Business Standards: The key foundation for Business Productivity

4 min readJun 25, 2020


Hey there! TallyDekho is back with a new series of business readings for our valuable readers. It’s very well known that every business, it doesn’t matter if it’s a startup or a going-concern, formulate a set of standards that set a benchmark for attaining pre-determined goals and objectives. So, in today’s article, we’ll discuss what are business standards, objectives, activities needed to be standardized, and its role in an organization.

What are Business Standards?

Basically, a business standard is a way or an activity that business decides in advance to accomplish any goal or objective of the enterprise. The reason behind establishing standards is to standardize every operation, that will in return bring efficiency and effectiveness in the overall performance of the concern.

For example, when the top management instructs the sales department to attain the sales target of 10,000 units for a particular month, and consequently, the sales manager plans each step accordingly. Thereon, the sales manager directs the production department, and therefore, the production head carves the plan accordingly. As a result, the marketing department plans the advertising channels to reach the set targets. Now, at the end of the month, the pre-determined target set gets attained with the desired profit level and customer satisfaction as well. This is how setting up of business standards makes everything go on with ease.

Thus, in simple words, we can say that business standards are the set ways or targets that introduce a benchmark to what and how the business specialists need to do, so as to bring the maximum efficiency and effectiveness to the business. However, compliance of business ethics is equally important to sustain in the competitive environment and bring more

Objectives of Business Standards

  • To monitor the efficiency level of every department
  • To improve the quality of the products and services served
  • To bring a sense of confidence in business
  • To drive down the cost and improve the profit level
  • To be addressed as a standard-compliant business in the market
  • To allocate the resources wisely
  • To bring more competitiveness to withstand market challenges

Key business activities that are needed to be standardized

Role of Business Standards in an enterprise

Just like we execute our daily routine and set prior standards to accomplish various activities, in the same way, a pre-determined business standard acts as a foundation for bringing the best outcome out of every business activity. Below are the key benefits that an organization enjoys if it sets standards for every operation it executes.

Enhances overall cost-effectiveness

Cost is a very crucial component in determining the overall effectiveness of the enterprise. A well-planned strategy is the one that brings the costs to the minimum and brings maximum out of it. When everything is planned and pre-decided in advance, it automatically reduces the overall cost of the business operations and therefore, makes it cost-effective.

Helps in mitigating the risk factor

Business standards help in bringing the business risks to the minimum. This is because, when business standards are laid down, a thorough market analysis is done and this way market risks are estimated in advance and therefore, corrective measures are taken to mitigate the risk.

Boosts productivity and efficiency

Setting up standards for every respective department automatically improves the productivity level of the business and thus, the overall efficiency of the concern gets improved.

Reduction in confusion and chaos

Sometimes, due to unclear or incomplete information about ‘who is supposed to do what’ brings a sense of confusion and chaos in the workplace. In such a situation, business standards help in reducing that confusion as every worker knows in advance what he needs to do and how.

Brings more profit opportunities

An organization that functions on set standards always goes well in the game of business. This is the reason that such a business attracts more opportunities in the long run. Thus, this way, when business operations are performed by setting standards, it brings prosperity to the business.

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Written by TallyDekho

TallyDekho is mobile application that helps user to access all Tally Desktop App data on mobile. It uses Google Drive to store the data.

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