Role of Coordination in binding all the functions of Management
Hey there! With the organizational processes getting tangled these days, an utter need for a binding force is seen for synchronizing the overall efforts of all the departments to pursue an enterprise goal, and therefore, such a binding force is generally referred to as coordination. So, in today’s TallyDekho blog, we’ll see what is coordination and how its essence can be seen in every management function of the concern.
What is Coordination in Business Management?
No business can sustain in the long-run if all the departmental operations don’t go hand-in-hand. It implies that integrating the combined efforts of all the employees for attaining a common goal is very important. Thus, it calls for a binding force that induces all the departments to bring unity in whatever function they perform.
In business management, the process of integrating, unifying, and synchronizing the entire efforts of the departments to attain a desired organizational goal is known as coordination.
In other words, we can say that coordination is an inseparable element of management and an efficient management system is the one that coordinates and brings harmony among all the functions of the concern and the employees as well.
Features of Coordination
- Based on group efforts
- Continuous process
- Dynamic in nature
- Higher the degree of coordination; higher the management efficiency level
- Integral part of the management
Objectives of Coordination
- To bring effectiveness and efficiency in all the management functions
- To monitor the actual performance of the department with the set standards or the planned target
- To synchronize the activities of all the departments in order to attain a common objective
- To bring every single operation into a smooth interplay of activities with a sequence
- To eliminate any kind of inconsistencies that can hinder the growth of the organization
- To develop a feeling of ‘WE’ among the employees
Coordination: The Essence of Management
In each and every activity performed in an organization, coordination is required and thus, for bringing a sense of harmony in the organization, unity of action is essential and that can be attained only by integrating all the departmental functions. Thus, coordination is the essence of management; i.e, an inseparable part of the management.
• Planning
Before implementing any new business strategy, a pre-determined plan is prepared to lay down all the policies and procedures. Thus, planning every process in advance will bring coordination in the overall performance of the departments.
• Organizing
The other important function, in which coordination is required is organizing wherein the responsibility and authority of the employees are clearly stated to avoid any kind of chaos and confusion in the job role.
• Staffing
For a concern to function properly, every person should be placed in the right place and in the right position. Thus, when the right people are hired for the right job, automatically coordination is attained.
• Directing
This function is about giving instructions to the subordinate and motivating them to accomplish the assigned tasks establishing a harmonious relationship between superior and subordinate. The stable the superior-subordinate relationship, the higher the coordination degree.
• Controlling
This function checks if all the functions of management are done efficiently or not. The actual attained target is compared with the set plan and then, analyzed if there is any deviation from the set standards to formulate control and bring coordination in all the functions.
Significance of Coordination in an organization
As discussed above, in almost every management function, coordination is required; thus, it is very obvious that it holds an indispensable place in any organization. Below given are, some points of significance explaining some more utility of this element in business management.
Sound human relations
When every department integrates efficiently, it brings a sense of harmony among all the employees inducing sound human relationships eliminating chaos and miscommunication within the organization.
Brings higher effectiveness and economic benefits
A business that is well-coordinated, is well formulated. Thus, a business that is executed with coordination brings a higher degree of effectiveness and secondary, economic benefits as well.
Unity of efforts towards a common goal
The main essence of coordination is to bring unity in the overall efforts of the departments and direct the activities towards a common organizational goal.
Provides a base for establishing a control
The coordination element also includes the controlling function wherein the actual performance of the department is compared with that of the planned one and therefore, provides a base for comparison.
More alignment among the employees
With coordination, a proper hierarchy is established imparting proper delegation of authority and responsibility among all the levels of management bringing more alignment in the enterprise.
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